Thursday, September 1, 2011

Automatic Stapler Named Purchase of the Year

November 17th was a very important date in the history of Widgets Corp LLP, Inc. because that is when the Bostitch Anti-Jam Electric Stapler arrived at the corporate office.

Reporters found that Donald Wheeler is being credited with creating Purchase Order 102785 which approved the purchase of Widgets’ first automatic stapler. Wheeler says he picked that model because “…it had anti-jam in the name and that sounded cool”.

It was an easy choice for 2010 Purchase of the Year because employees throughout the office rave about the stapler. IT Specialist Mike Doberstein told reporters, “The owner’s manual says it staples up to 45 sheets of paper but I was able to squeeze in 48 one time.” He then smiled and added, “…but that’s probably because I’m a rebel.”

Written by John Garrett